What Are The Main Attributes Of Islamic Art

What Are The Main Attributes Of Islamic Art

Islamic art contains unique characteristics and features while professional artists use different skills and techniques. To create stunning pieces of art. Islamic art has a deep background with historical roots and cultural importance that new Muslim artists must know about. Art is different and people with different religions and cultures have unique tastes in art. Which makes them different from each other. That’s why, understanding what are the main attributes of Islamic art is important. To learn the hidden meanings behind Islamic art.

Explaining What Are The Main Attributes Of Islamic Art?

 The following are the important attributes of Islamic art you must know about. 

Avoiding The Use Of Aniconic Objects

The first attribute is that Islamic art is known for its prevention of using aniconic objects. Whether they are pictures, statues, or showcasing humans, animals, and other living beings. This rule is implemented in Islamic art because representing any visual yet sentient beings that can lead to worshipping idols. Or going against Islamic principles is prohibited. But that does not mean Islamic art is tedious or unattractive because there are different forms of art. Used in Islamic art whether it's in the form of geometrical patterns, stunning floral designs, art on different buildings, etc. 

Stunning Art Of Calligraphy 

The second attribute is that calligraphy is the most important type of art in Islamic art. Calligraphers write Quranic verses artistically and thoughtfully on different objects and people have religious attachment and respect for the Quran. Which makes these written words more important and provide hope to people struggling with their lives. Different styles, fonts, and most importantly, Arabic scripts are used in calligraphy to make an impressive piece of art. You can see these calligraphies on different mosques’s walls, domes, minarets, ceramics, textiles, and buildings in an amazing way.  

Geometric And Floral Patterns 

The third attribute is that Islamic art involves the use of intricate geometric patterns that resemble the mercy of Allah. And his love for his unlimited creation. You can find these patterns in different ways like tilework, woodwork, metalwork, architecture, etc. 

The complicatedness of these amazing geometric patterns showcases the mathematical and artistic abilities of Muslim artists.  Then comes Arabesque Islamic art in which different simple and unique floral designs are created to reflect the unlimited boundaries. Of the glory of Allah and his ability to create anything in any form. Also, check out the Origami Canvas.

Wrapping Up

To wrap up, what are the main attributes of Islamic art? It is important to note that Islamic art is based on various attributes and each one is important. And holds a unique importance with its amazing features and qualities. Understanding them one by one can help you take a closer look at Islamic art. And learn about the real message the artist wants to deliver through a piece of art. You should also get details about the famous Sabr Canvas Painting.