Is Mandala Art Haram In Islam?

Is Mandala Art Haram In Islam?

Mandala art has a diverse historical background because it was introduced by Hinduism and Buddhist cultures. And it represents a circle in which complicated patterns and designs are crafted professionally which represents the cosmos. And deities of different heavenly worlds. However, this representation leads to idolism which is strictly prohibited in Islam. Islamic art and Muslim’s work in this field is worth mentioning. And new artists want to know whether is mandala art haram in Islam. This can help Muslim artists follow their religion and pursue their dreams in Islamic art too.  

Uncovering Whether Is Mandala Art Haram In Islam?

The following are the important factors to understand if Mandala art is haram in Islam or not. 

Explaining Mandala Art

The first factor is that Mandala art is mostly circular and showcases a cosmic diagram. People who invented this type of art believe that it helps the mind to focus on important things. And improves the spiritual growth of an individual. People keep mandala art in their homes and living spaces to improve calmness and maintain a relaxed environment. Even though its visual attractiveness is worth mentioning, this art can lead to some conflicts with other religions like Islam. 

Islamic Restrictions And Specific Requirements

The second factor is that Islam is a religion whose sole purpose is to worship one God, Allah. All Muslims believe this concept and can be called Muslims only if they accept it. Any practice or concept that encourages Muslims to worship someone else besides Allah is strictly prohibited in Islam. And can lead to shirking or disrespecting the commandments of Allah. 

Even though mandala art itself does not promote shirk, when people come to know about its association with other religion’s practices and worshipping someone else besides Allah, it leads to shirk. Islam prohibits Muslims from following the practices and way of living of other religions and mandala art is a custom and tradition of Hindu culture and following it can count as a form of imitation.

Different Scholars' Views About Mandala Art

The third factor is that various Islamic scholars have different views about mandala art. Some of them say that if people are just appreciating its visual attractiveness without focusing or following the religious meanings. And concepts associated with it, then it's permissible to keep or appreciate it. Other scholars suggest avoiding mandala art completely to ensure you don’t follow any practices that are against Islam. Also, check out the famous Al-Aqsa art

Wrapping Up

To wrap up, is mandala art haram in Islam? It is important to know that mandala art is a stunning and professionally crafted form of art. And Muslims do not mean any disrespect by avoiding this art. However, their Islamic principles are different and prohibit them from following or worshiping anything other than Allah. That’s why, appreciating mandala art’s visual attractiveness is permissible. But choosing it as a way to follow other religions’ practices is shirk. Learn more about the calming Ayat Ul Kursi

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